Monday, August 24, 2020
The physics of Sonography Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
The material science of Sonography - Essay Example In the investigation of waves, under material science, revelations were made of certain waves that were undetectable to the natural eye, however that would be amazingly valuable in symbolism. Sonography relies upon ultrasound waves, which are utilized to produce pictures originating from an article from which reflection happened (Abu-Zidan, Ashraf and Peter 501). The material science, which is associated with the examinations, address the properties of the waves just as how the waves relate with other natural components. The doctors need to break down the impact and results got by impelling the ultrasound waves onto the human body. Likewise, doing this set up whether the innovation is sheltered just as helpful to the field. By directing trials on the ultrasound wave properties, the doctors can recognize the components, which represent a test to the innovation, and potentially gadget manners by which they can be dispensed with. In sonography, components, for example, shadows (Abu-Zidan, Ashraf and Peter 502) may cause improper information assortment in this manner attracting the need to have a methods by which the shadow impact is decreased. Material science for this situation centers around culminating the sonography activity by guaranteeing that the information acquired by utilization of the ultrasounds is exact and liberated from blunders. Information translation is another component of material science that is of extraordinary use in sonography. By utilizing sonographic innovation, the point of the experience is to acquire information from the body without getting the patient through vivacious techniques. Various conditions, persona and disfigurements in the human body will undoubtedly create diverse outcome results under sonographic study (Abu-Zidan, Ashraf and Peter 508). It is critical to draw in material science in the examinations since by the utilization of material science the densities, volume, surface, shading and movement of the example under scrutiny can be resolved. It is fundamental on account of sonography since the clinical practice can't permit experimentation strategies that
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Feasibility Study Essay Example for Free
Practicality Study Essay Cheap food chains have developed at a mind boggling rate over the recent decades. There is by all accounts a McDonalds or Burger King on each city intersection. Cheap food offers individuals in a surge a reasonable manner to get food at whatever point they need. In the United States, drive-through joints represents 46.7% of the complete food administration industry while semi-formal eateries have 39.3% (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2009). This powers semi-formal cafés to focus on an alternate market, individuals that are searching for delight and a loosening up understanding. The food administrations industry is viewed as the most known industry on the planet. Sitdown eateries ordinarily offer full menus, which incorporate hors d'oeuvres, dishes, sides, treats, and a wide range of refreshments including liquor. Most cafés will have a host or leader that will welcome an individual as they stroll in and demonstrate them to the table that they will be sitting at for the length of their feast. Semi-formal eateries ordinarily will have prepared gourmet experts to prepare and set up the suppers and servers that will totally deal with any necessities that there will be while eating at the café (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2009). It is essential to have legit and dedicated servers at a semi-formal eatery to guarantee that individuals will have a charming time at their foundation. In the event that a café has a one of a kind notoriety, at that point the clients will return on numerous occasions. For an eatery to have a dedicated client gathering, it must have the option to serve the clients with top notch food and administration. The eatery should likewise have various things that separate itself from other semi-formal cafés. Rather than simply getting some food at a cheap food chain, an individual can go to a café and appreciate oneself with loved ones for an all-encompassing measure of time. The eatery experience should turn into a type of diversion for the clients. A few cafés additionally offer a bar, which cheap food chains don't. At a bar, individuals can come in and drink a couple of brews while watching a sporting event on TV. Around evening time, the bar territory can turn into a spot for individu als to unwind or have a good time with some moving. Numerous school age individuals like to invest a little energy at a bar to mitigate pressure and to move. With two universities in the region and an expansion of the travel industry inside the previous decade, Tacloban City would be a legitimate spot to open another café. Tacloban is a city in Leyte and has been redoing its picture to draw in more individuals to the midtown zone. The city has been developing in populace with numerous new lodging tracks as of late worked alongside those under development. The city is viewed as a sea shore town with numerous individuals visiting the sea shore each spring and summer. There is likewise a lot of pedestrian activity in the midtown region just as close to the shopping center and the significant schools. The issue with opening another eatery is having the option to set up the business, while separating itself from others. An eatery ought to be in a conspicuous region which can be utilized as a milestone. So as to do as such, the café must discover a topic and a solid after of clients. With the correct showcasing, great assistance, great administration and solid monetary data, another eatery can be an incredible business to fire up. So as to open a café, the proprietor should know the shopper attributes of the zone. For a café to do well there must be individuals ready to go through cash. That is the reason knowing the area’s workforce is significant. Ventura has a solid work power with just 4.5% of the populace being jobless who are over the age 16. The city’s biggest work industry is instructive administrations, human services and social help which is at 21%, trailed by proficient, logical, the board, regulatory and squander the executives administrations at 12.3%, retail exchange at 11.8%, expressions, amusement, diversion, convenience and food administrations at 10.1% and fabricating at 7.8%. Probably the most noticeable occupations of individuals that live in Tacloban City are the executives, proficient, and related occupations at 38.8%, deals and office occupations at 25.7% and administration occupations at 17.2% (U.S. Registration, 2009) Issue Statement * Is opening a semi-formal eatery in downtown Ventura practical? Theories Another café in downtown Ventura will have an interest of in any event half of the individuals studied. The new eatery additionally will have the option to cover its ordinary working costs just as its beginning up cost while as yet making a benefit. Destinations 1. To evaluate the practicality of a semi-formal eatery in Ventura. 2. To lead a review to decide the enthusiasm of another eatery. 3. To decide the objective market for another café. Avocation A practicality concentrate for a semi-formal eatery in Tacloban City will be gainful to any individual who might want to open a semi-formal café in downtown Tacloban City, just as Palo because of the comparative socioeconomics all through Tacloban City. The investigation will likewise be useful to any individual who might want to open a drive-through eatery in the territory as a result of the examination of the allure of the area of the new café. The examination of the measure of individuals that go downtown in Tacloban City will be capable assistance different business people that arrangement on starting a private venture on the grounds that the investigation will give them the information on what number of individuals go downtown all the time which can give them a thought of what number of potential clients they may have. This examination will likewise help individuals intending to open an eatery in a zone with comparable socioeconomics as Tacloban City. II. Showcasing STUDY Writing REVIEW Rivalry Analysis Opening an eatery takes a ton of time and exertion to be effective. One of the most significant things to realize while evaluating the objective market for an eatery is who the opposition is. The opposition can go from inexpensive food binds right to a high-class sitdown café. Numerous individuals are in a surge now and again or are too worn out to even think about cooking for the family after work, which drives them to feast out. These individuals at that point need to choose if they need economical cheap food or go to a semi-formal eatery to be overhauled. That is the reason it is so significant for café proprietor to know who the objective market is. Drive-thru eateries target individuals in a rush and that need a reasonable supper, while semi-formal cafés target individuals that are there to take as much time as necessary and be furnished with acceptable help (Brown, 1990). While evaluating the opposition Debruyne and Reibstein (2005) discovered it is essential to know the innovation and administrations that the opposition has so an organization can stay aware of them. Debruyne and Reibstein (2005) additionally proceeded to state that organizations ought to consider ways to deal with abstain from pulling in rivalry to another market. That is the reason having workers that can be trusted with organization insider facts is significant. Investigation of Potential Profit There are numerous things that should be mulled over while anticipating a company’s potential pay. The area of a café can largy affect the measure of pay that an eatery acquires, which is the reason finding a decent area for an eatery is significant (Coats, 1986). The better the area, the more individuals will think about it and need to stop in. Having a café in a spot where pedestrian activity is overwhelming can be valuable to the eateries achievement since individuals strolling down the road could see the eatery and choose to stop in and eat. So as to perceive how much cash could be made, a business ought to create anticipated fiscal summaries so they can perceive how much the business would cost to run the café (Newman, 2008). Other than anticipating salary and costs, there are numerous different things that an eatery proprietor should think about when attempting to make sense of if the café will be gainful. Sweasey (1987) found a café had a superior possibility of being productive on the off chance that it has an innovative menu. This is significant for a semi-formal eatery since potential clients could arrange food from a notable spot like Domino’s Pizza, or a McDonalds. The way to progress is offer a wide range of kinds of food that would be remarkable to a specific eatery. Something else that by implication influences an eateries potential salary is the relationship that the representatives have with their supervisors (Davis, Schoorman, Mayer and Tan, 2000). Their investigation found that trust among the executives and representatives can influence the eatery monetarily in light of the fact that workers are eager to work more diligently for a director that they can trust. A cafés benefit can likewise be influenced by stock control. Archibald, Betts, Johnston and Thomas (2002) expressed that for another business to endure it should be traditionalist with their stock. This is significant with cafés in light of the fact that there are numerous sorts of nourishments and fixings that can turn sour if not utilized in a short measure of time, which makes the eatery lose cash from squandering their stock. The cost of things on the menu is likewise significant as indicated by Becker (1991). He found in the event that costs of food are excessively high, at that point clients will feel that they are being dealt with unjustifiably, which will shield them from returning to the eatery. It is significant for a café to have predictable clients since they will help get new business by telling others how great the eatery is. THE MARKET City of Tacloban Individuals that know the region and the enthusiasm of the individuals in the territory will in general have more achievement working an eatery than individuals that don't have the foggiest idea about the region. Tacloban City is persistently developing with new lodging tracks as of late manufactured and some as of now being built. The city is additionally ascending in prevalence and advertising towards turning into a visitor goal. Tacloban City has 3 enormous secondary schools and a lesser school. Tacloban City eateries likewise get business from Channel Island studen
Tuesday, July 21, 2020
Understanding Agoraphobia or Fear of Leaving the House
Understanding Agoraphobia or Fear of Leaving the House Panic Disorder Symptoms Print Understanding Agoraphobia or Fear of Leaving the House By Sheryl Ankrom linkedin Sheryl Ankrom is a clinical professional counselor and nationally certified clinical mental health counselor specializing in anxiety disorders. Learn about our editorial policy Sheryl Ankrom Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on December 02, 2019 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD on December 02, 2019 ajari/Moment/Getty Images More in Panic Disorder Symptoms Diagnosis Treatment Coping Related Conditions In This Article Table of Contents Expand What Is Agoraphobia? Get Professional Help Relaxation Techniques Keep Stress in Check Systematic Desensitization View All Back To Top Often mischaracterized merely as a fear of leaving your house, agoraphobia encompasses the anxiety of being in certain situations for which escape is difficult or potentially embarrassing, or where help is not readily available. More specifically, the focus is on the fear of having a panic attack in such situations. What Is Agoraphobia? A fear of leaving the house is associated with agoraphobia, though not all people with this condition express this concern. Agoraphobia can occur on its own but is more commonly a complication of panic disorder. You do not need to be homebound to be diagnosed with agoraphobia. Agoraphobia generates a panic response in a variety of situations, including traveling by car, train, plane or bus; being in an elevator, crowd, large store, or confined area; being on a bridge or standing in a line. The fear associated with agoraphobia is so intense that a person will usually go to great lengths to avoid these situations. At the most extreme cases, agoraphobia can develop into a fear of leaving one’s house altogether. One’s home becomes his or her “safe zone.â€? With support and the proper training, you can effectively manage your symptoms. Get Professional Help The sooner treatment begins after the onset of agoraphobia, the more quickly symptom reduction or elimination will be realized. However, even people with long-term symptoms will generally experience improvement with treatment, and most will regain the freedom to resume many of the activities they once enjoyed. Your doctor can help you get connected with the right therapy programs. Learn and Practice Relaxation Techniques Your fear of leaving the house is fed by anxiety. By learning and practicing relaxation techniques, you could reduce the level of your anxiety and the frequency of your panic attacks. You may even be able to defuse an attack in the making. Some popular relaxation mechanisms include deep breathing exercises, progressive muscle relaxation, yoga, mindfulness meditation, and visualization. These skills are generally easy to learn and can be practiced for short durations of time to effectively reduce anxiety. Keep Stress in Check Stress and anxiety seem to go hand in handâ€"increase one and the others will follow. Relaxation techniques will help you manage stress and anxiety, but it may be most beneficial to deal with your stressors head-on. Ask yourself what is causing you the most stress and create a plan to reduce anxiety by eliminating some stressors from your life. Learn and Practice Systematic Desensitization Systematic desensitization usually starts with imagining yourself in a progression of fearful situations and using relaxation strategies that compete with anxiety. Once you can successfully manage your anxiety while imagining fearful events, you can use the technique in real-life situations. The goal of the process is to become gradually desensitized to the triggers that are causing your distress. This technique can be learned through your own self-help applications, but it can be more helpful to learn desensitization through the guidance of a professional therapist.
Friday, May 22, 2020
The Legalization of Drugs Just Say No Essay - 507 Words
The idea of legalizing drugs is as bad as the drugs itself. Some drugs are though to have positive medical use, but thats a though to be untrue considering the contradicting facts. How could drugs that are so addicitve be in any way helpful, specially in a medical manner. Every part of the world that has tried it only brought corruption to their country and made addiction rates even worse. Although rumors that some drugs can help treat certain diceases have been stated they are not true, the fact is that false beliefs dont accumulate to the real facts. The repeutic treatment of heroin is said to alleviate cancer pain, this drug can also create other problems increasing the risk of diversion. In other words, it would†¦show more content†¦THC is the chemical composition which gives marijuana that high, the content marijuana has increased from the Woodstock days to 29.8% more nowadays. Todays marijuana may be between 30 to 60 times more powerful that is was in the 60s. Drugs like these can only bring negativity and corruption to the society making drugs more accessible. Other countries that have tried to fix the situation were facing, have concluded with terrible results. Take Great Britain for example. In 1964, England instituted a policy allowing doctors prescribe heroin following certain treatment criteria. This concluded by doctors selling great amounts of heroin to memebers of the black market. Spain has legalized cocaine and heroin since 1983, recently officials have begun crack-down on drug pushers concluding with a dramatic increase of addiction rate. Italy, which also legalized cocaine and heroin have the highest rates of both drugs and oversodes of all European countries. Illegal drugs have only gotten worse, theres no reason people should legalize it to make a country even worse. We have seen the results of other countries trying to fix the contraband problem by legalizing, it isnt helpful to cure or alleviate pain from diseases without any side effects, it canShow MoreRelatedIt Is Time to Legalize Marijana1700 Words  | 7 Pagesup, everyone is told that, â€Å"Drugs are bad for you,†time and time again. Now as a kid you don’t really understand the reasoning behind it, but you listen to your authority figure regardless. I remember being told this my entire life and even to this very day. But as I got older I realized that people would still use drugs even though it’’s illegal. I could never understand why someone would go against the law and jeopardize their life just to use drugs? The drug that I am talking about is marijuanaRead MoreWhy Not Legalize Marijuana? 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Should he have to die just because some government bureaucrat tells him that he cannot have this drug? There are millions of AIDS patients in similar tragedy. The two most harmful and dangerous substances are alcohol and tobacco. Yet, they are legal, only because they are popular. Marianne Apostolides of the pro-legalization LindesmithRead MoreOur Right to Drugs Essay example898 Words  | 4 PagesOur Right to Drugs You might be tempted to label Thomas Szasz, author of Our Right to Drugs, The Case for a Free Market, a counter-culture hippie. However, this analysis couldn’t be further from the truth. Szasz, a Professor Emeritus of Psychiatry at the State University of New York Health Science Center in Syracuse, is a major supporter of civil liberties. He sees the so-called War on Drugs as one of the worst atrocities that the American Government has perpetrated on its people. 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The impact on tougher drug sanctions has been overshadowed by a myth that U.S. drug enforcement has become too lenient. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;This myth has been promoted by the multi-million dollar pro-drug legalization lobby, civil libertarians, and misguided academic researchers to the public with limited review and challenge. Attacks on
Thursday, May 7, 2020
Swot Analysis Foxtel Introduction to Marketing - 1700 Words
FOXTEL SWOT Analysis Introduction to Marketing Assessment 1 (10%) Spotlight – Foxtel (from required text): Read the case – Foxtel – from chapter 2 of the required text.As per the text book: â€Å"Use the information in this Spotlight and any other necessary research to develop a SWOT analysis for Foxtel†2011 3/18/2011 The SWOT analysis is a method used by organisations as a marketing strategy to better understand and identify positive and negative factors effecting the business, in present and in the future ( Elliott, Rundle-Thiele, Waller, 2010). The purpose of this essay is to develop a SWOT analysis for Foxtel, which is a pay-TV company that was first introduced to the Australian market in October of 1995 (Kim Williams 2009). Foxtel†¦show more content†¦Eg. Australian love to borrow from DVD stores - Advertisement that targets and attracts customers with â€Å" No more late fees with Foxtel†, Never get charged for returning late DVD Don’t have to leave the comfort of your home , latest movies with the press of a button etc Figure 2. SWOT Analysis of Foxtel As described in figure 1, The strengths and weaknesses of the SWOT analysis are internal factors , and can be controlled directly by the organisation. Elliot, Rundle-Thiele, and Waller (2010) describes these strengths and weaknesses as those attributes of the organisation that can help or hinder in achieving its objectives. In figure 2, the strengths portrayed for Foxtel in the SWOT analysis are vast in comparison to it’s weaknesses. In particular, the advertisement campaign has been a strength for Foxtel, despite the global financial crisis, Foxtel was able to successfully ‘sail through the storm’ with the help of a brilliant advertising campaign promising viewers to save money with Foxtel (Simon Canning, 2011) . In contrast, the advertisements are targeted to a specific audience which has left out the aging population of 65 and over, which constitutes 13.5% of the population as at 30 June 2010 (Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2010), this exclusion is a weakn ess in its advertising campaign. In addition to weaknesses, Foxtel hasShow MoreRelatedEntertainment And Media Industry Of Australia2376 Words  | 10 PagesIntroduction: Culture, Entertainment and Media Industry of Australia is one of the bigger industries of Australia. According to Australian Bureau of Statistics, Media Entertainment alone contributed $7.6 Bill to GDP for the year 2008-09 (Cuthbertson 2014). Starting from the advent of TV in 1954, Australian population has developed acute interest in home entertainment. This report is to carry out a product market research for STAN which is a new product to be launched in the market. Industry Insights:Read MoreThe Internal And External Environment Of Di Bella Coffee3733 Words  | 15 PagesDescription 3 PESTEL Analysis 4 Political and Legal 4 Economical 4-5 Socio-Cultural 5-6 Technological 6 Environmental 6-7 Porter ´s Five Forces 7 Bargaining Power of Buyers 8 Bargaining Power of Suppliers 8 Threat of new Entrants 8 Threat of Substitutes 9 Degree of Rivalry 9 Competitor Identification 10 Merlo Coffee 10-11 Vittoria 11 SWOT Analysis 11-12 Marketing Mix Analysis 13 Strategic PositioningRead MoreMonsanto: Better Living Through Genetic Engineering96204 Words  | 385 Pages441 441 CASE STUDIES A summary of the case analysis I N T R O D U C T I O N Preparing an effective case analysis: The full story Hearing with the aid of implanted technology: The case of Cochlearâ„ ¢ – an Australian C A S E O N E high-technology leader Delta Faucet: Global entrepreneurship in an emerging market C A S E T W O DaimlerChrysler: Corporate governance dynamics in a global company C A S E T H R E E Gunns and the greens: Governance issues in Tasmania C A S E F O U R Succeeding in the
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Amber Spyglass Chapter 5 The Adamant Tower Free Essays
string(19) " I know about her\." A lake of molten sulphur extended the length of an immense canyon, releasing its mephitic vapors in sudden gusts and belches and barring the way of the solitary winged figure who stood at its edge. If he took to the sky, the enemy scouts who had spotted him, and lost him, would find him again at once; but if he stayed on the ground, it would take so long to get past this noxious pit that his message might arrive too late. He would have to take the greater risk. We will write a custom essay sample on The Amber Spyglass Chapter 5 The Adamant Tower or any similar topic only for you Order Now He waited until a cloud of stinking smoke billowed off the yellow surface, and darted upward into the thick of it. Four pairs of eyes in different parts of the sky all saw the brief movement, and at once four pairs of wings beat hard against the smoke-fouled air, hurling the watchers forward to the cloud. Then began a hunt in which the pursuers couldn’t see the quarry and the quarry could see nothing at all. The first to break out of the cloud on the far side of the lake would have the advantage, and that might mean survival, or it might mean a successful kill. And unluckily for the single flier, he found the clear air a few seconds after one of his pursuers. At once they closed with each other, trailing streams of vapor, and dizzy, both of them, from the sickening fumes. The quarry had the best of it at first, but then another hunter flew free of the cloud. In a swift and furious struggle, all three of them, twisting in the air like scraps of flame, rose and fell and rose again, only to fall, finally, among the rocks on the far side. The other two hunters never emerged from the cloud. At the western end of a range of saw-toothed mountains, on a peak that commanded wide views of the plain below and the valleys behind, a fortress of basalt seemed to grow out of the mountain as if some volcano had thrust it up a million years ago. In vast caverns beneath the rearing walls, provisions of every sort were stored and labeled; in the arsenals and magazines, engines of war were being calibrated, armed, and tested; in the mills below the mountain, volcanic fires fed mighty forges where phosphor and titanium were being melted and combined in alloys never known or used before. On the most exposed side of the fortress, at a point deep in the shadow of a buttress where the mighty walls rose sheer out of the ancient lava-flows, there was a small gate, a postern where a sentry watched day and night and challenged all who sought to enter. While the watch was being changed on the ramparts above, the sentry stamped once or twice and slapped his gloved hands on his upper arms for warmth, for it was the coldest hour of the night, and the little naphtha flare in the bracket beside him gave no heat. His relief would come in another ten minutes, and he was looking forward to the mug of chocolate, the smokeleaf, and most of all his bed. To hear a hammering at the little door was the last thing he expected. However, he was alert, and he snapped open the spy hole, at the same time opening the tap that allowed a flow of naphtha past the pilot light in the buttress outside. In the glare it threw, he saw three hooded figures carrying between them a fourth, whose shape was indistinct, and who seemed ill, or wounded. The figure in front threw back his hood. He had a face the sentry knew, but he gave the password anyway and said, â€Å"We found him at the sulphur lake. Says his name is Baruch. He’s got an urgent message for Lord Asriel.†The sentry unbarred the door, and his terrier daemon quivered as the three figures maneuvered their burden with difficulty through the narrow entrance. Then the daemon gave a soft involuntary howl, quickly cut off, as the sentry saw that the figure being carried was an angel, wounded: an angel of low rank and little power, but an angel, nevertheless. â€Å"Lay him in the guardroom,†the sentry told them, and as they did so, he turned the crank of the telephone bell and reported what was happening to the officer of the watch. On the highest rampart of the fortress was a tower of adamant: just one flight of steps up to a set of rooms whose windows looked out north, south, east, and west. The largest room was furnished with a table and chairs and a map chest, another with a camp bed. A small bathroom completed the set. Lord Asriel sat in the adamant tower facing his spy captain across a mass of scattered papers. A naphtha lamp hung over the table, and a brazier held burning coals against the bitter chill of the night. Inside the door, a small blue hawk was perching on a bracket. The spy captain was called Lord Roke. He was striking to look at: he was no taller than Lord Asriel’s hand span, and as slender as a dragonfly, but the rest of Lord Asriel’s captains treated him with profound respect, for he was armed with a poisonous sting in the spurs on his heels. It was his custom to sit on the table, and his manner to repel anything but the greatest courtesy with a haughty and malevolent tongue. He and his kind, the Gallivespians, had few of the qualities of good spies except, of course, their exceptional smallness: they were so proud and touchy that they would never have remained inconspicuous if they had been of Lord Asriel’s size. â€Å"Yes,†he said, his voice clear and sharp, his eyes glittering like droplets of ink, â€Å"your child, my Lord Asriel: I know about her. You read "The Amber Spyglass Chapter 5 The Adamant Tower" in category "Essay examples" Evidently I know more than you do.†Lord Asriel looked at him directly, and the little man knew at once that he’d taken advantage of his commander’s courtesy: the force of Lord Asriel’s glance flicked him like a finger, so that he lost his balance and had to put out a hand to steady himself on Lord Asriel’s wineglass. A moment later Lord Asriel’s expression was bland and virtuous, just as his daughter’s could be, and from then on Lord Roke was more careful. â€Å"No doubt, Lord Roke,†said Lord Asriel. â€Å"But for reasons I don’t understand, the girl is the focus of the Church’s attention, and I need to know why. What are they saying about her?†â€Å"The Magisterium is alive with speculation; one branch says one thing, another is investigating something else, and each of them is trying to keep its discoveries secret from the rest. The most active branches are the Consistorial Court of Discipline and the Society of the Work of the Holy Spirit, and,†said Lord Roke, â€Å"I have spies in both of them.†â€Å"Have you turned a member of the Society, then?†said Lord Asriel. â€Å"I congratulate you. They used to be impregnable.†â€Å"My spy in the Society is the Lady Salmakia,†said Lord Roke, â€Å"a very skillful agent. There is a priest whose daemon, a mouse, she approached in their sleep. My agent suggested that the man perform a forbidden ritual designed to invoke the presence of Wisdom. At the critical moment, the Lady Salmakia appeared in front of him. The priest now thinks he can communicate with Wisdom whenever he pleases, and that she has the form of a Gallivespian and lives in his bookcase.†Lord Asriel smiled and said, â€Å"And what has she learned?†â€Å"The Society thinks that your daughter is the most important child who has ever lived. They think that a great crisis will come before very long, and that the fate of everything will depend on how she behaves at that point. As for the Consistorial Court of Discipline, it’s holding an inquiry at the moment, with witnesses from Bolvangar and elsewhere. My spy in the Court, the Chevalier Tialys, is in touch with me every day by means of the lodestone resonator, and he is letting me know what they discover. In short, I would say that the Society of the Work of the Holy Spirit will find out very soon where the child is, but they will do nothing about it. It will take the Consistorial Court a little longer, but when they do, they will act decisively, and at once.†â€Å"Let me know the moment you hear any more.†Lord Roke bowed and snapped his fingers, and the small blue hawk perching on the bracket beside the door spread her wings and glided to the table. She had a bridle, a saddle, and stirrups. Lord Roke sprang on her back in a second, and they flew out of the window, which Lord Asriel held wide for them. He left it open for a minute, in spite of the bitter air, and leaned on the window seat, playing with the ears of his snow-leopard daemon. â€Å"She came to me on Svalbard and I ignored her,†he said. â€Å"You remember the shock†¦ I needed a sacrifice, and the first child to arrive was my own daughter†¦ But when I realized that there was another child with her, so she was safe, I relaxed. Was that a fatal mistake? I didn’t consider her after that, not for a moment, but she is important, Stelmaria!†â€Å"Let’s think clearly,†his daemon replied. â€Å"What can she do?†â€Å"Do – not much. Does she know something?†â€Å"She can read the alethiometer; she has access to knowledge.†â€Å"That’s nothing special. So have others. And where in Hell’s name can she be?†There was a knock at the door behind him, and he turned at once. â€Å"My lord,†said the officer who came in, â€Å"an angel has just arrived at the western gate, wounded, he insists on speaking to you.†And a minute later, Baruch was lying on the camp bed, which had been brought through to the main room. A medical orderly had been summoned, but it was clear that there was little hope for the angel: he was wounded sorely, his wings torn and his eyes dimmed. Lord Asriel sat close by and threw a handful of herbs onto the coals in the brazier. As Will had found with the smoke of his fire, that had the effect of defining the angel’s body so he could see it more clearly. â€Å"Well, sir,†he said, â€Å"what have you come to tell me?†â€Å"Three things. Please let me say them all before you speak. My name is Baruch. My companion Balthamos and I are of the rebels’ party, and so we were drawn to your standard as soon as you raised it. But we wanted to bring you something valuable, because our power is small, and not long ago we managed to find our way to the heart of the Clouded Mountain, the Authority’s citadel in the Kingdom. And there we learned†¦Ã¢â‚¬ He had to stop for a moment to breathe in the smoke of the herbs, which seemed to steady him. He continued: â€Å"We learned the truth about the Authority. We learned that he has retired to a chamber of crystal deep within the Clouded Mountain, and that he no longer runs the daily affairs of the Kingdom. Instead, he contemplates deeper mysteries. In his place, ruling on his behalf, there is an angel called Metatron. I have reason to know that angel well, though when I knew him†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Baruch’s voice faded. Lord Asriel’s eyes were blazing, but he held his tongue and waited for Baruch to continue. â€Å"Metatron is proud,†Baruch went on when he had recovered a little strength, â€Å"and his ambition is limitless. The Authority chose him four thousand years ago to be his Regent, and they laid their plans together. They have a new plan, which my companion and I were able to discover. The Authority considers that conscious beings of every kind have become dangerously independent, so Metatron is going to intervene much more actively in human affairs. They intend to move the Authority secretly away from the Clouded Mountain, to a permanent citadel somewhere else, and turn the mountain into an engine of war. The churches in every world are corrupt and weak, he thinks, they compromise too readily†¦ He wants to set up a permanent inquisition in every world, run directly from the Kingdom. And his first campaign will be to destroy your Republic†¦Ã¢â‚¬ They were both trembling, the angel and the man, but one from weakness and the other from excitement. Baruch gathered his remaining strength, and went on: â€Å"The second thing is this. There is a knife that can cut openings between the worlds, as well as anything in them. Its power is unlimited, but only in the hands of the one who knows how to use it. And that person is a boy†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Once again the angel had to stop and recover. He was frightened; he could feel himself drifting apart. Lord Asriel could see the effort he made to hold himself together, and sat tensely gripping the arms of his chair until Baruch found the strength to go on. â€Å"My companion is with him now. We wanted to bring him directly to you, but he refused, because†¦ This is the third thing I must tell you: he and your daughter are friends. And he will not agree to come to you until he has found her. She is – â€Å" â€Å"Who is this boy?†â€Å"He is the son of the shaman. Of Stanislaus Grumman.†Lord Asriel was so surprised he stood up involuntarily, sending billows of smoke swirling around the angel. â€Å"Grumman had a son?†he said. â€Å"Grumman was not born in your world. Nor was his real name Grumman. My companion and I were led to him by his own desire to find the knife. We followed him, knowing he would lead us to it and its bearer, intending to bring the bearer to you. But the boy refused to†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Once again Baruch had to stop. Lord Asriel sat down again, cursing his own impatience, and sprinkled some more herbs on the fire. His daemon lay nearby, her tail sweeping slowly across the oaken floor, her golden eyes never leaving the angel’s pain-filled face. Baruch took several slow breaths, and Lord Asriel held his silence. The slap of the rope on the flagpole above was the only sound. â€Å"Take your time, sir,†Lord Asriel said gently. â€Å"Do you know where my daughter is?†â€Å"Himalaya†¦ in her own world,†whispered Baruch. â€Å"Great mountains. A cave near a valley full of rainbows†¦Ã¢â‚¬ â€Å"A long way from here in both worlds. You flew quickly.†â€Å"It is the only gift I have,†said Baruch, â€Å"except the love of Balthamos, whom I shall never see again.†â€Å"And if you found her so easily – â€Å" â€Å"Then any other angel may, too.†Lord Asriel seized a great atlas from the map chest and flung it open, looking for the pages that showed the Himalaya. â€Å"Can you be precise?†he said. â€Å"Can you show me exactly where?†â€Å"With the knife†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Baruch tried to say, and Lord Asriel realized his mind was wandering. â€Å"With the knife he can enter and leave any world at will†¦ Will is his name. But they are in danger, he and Balthamos†¦ Metatron knows we have his secret. They pursued us†¦ They caught me alone on the borders of your world†¦ I was his brother†¦ That was how we found our way to him in the Clouded Mountain. Metatron was once Enoch, the son of Jared, the son of Mahalalel†¦ Enoch had many wives. He was a lover of the flesh†¦ My brother Enoch cast me out, because I†¦ Oh, my dear Balthamos†¦Ã¢â‚¬ â€Å"Where is the girl?†â€Å"Yes. Yes. A cave†¦ her mother†¦ valley full of winds and rainbows†¦ tattered flags on the shrine†¦Ã¢â‚¬ He raised himself to look at the atlas. Then the snow-leopard daemon got to her feet in one swift movement and leapt to the door, but it was too late: the orderly who had knocked had opened without waiting. That was the way things were done; it was no one’s fault; but seeing the expression on the soldier’s face as he looked past him, Lord Asriel turned back to see Baruch straining and quivering to hold his wounded form together. The effort was too much. A draft from the open door sent an eddy of air across the bed, and the particles of the angel’s form, loosened by the waning of his strength, swirled upward into randomness and vanished. â€Å"Balthamos!†came a whisper from the air. Lord Asriel put his hand on his daemon’s neck; she felt him tremble, and stilled him. He turned to the orderly. â€Å"My lord, I beg your – â€Å" â€Å"Not your fault. Take my compliments to King Ogunwe. I would be glad if he and my other commanders could step here at once. I would also like Mr. Basilides to attend, with the alethiometer. Finally I want No. 2 Squadron of gyropters armed and fueled, and a tanker zeppelin to take off at once and head southwest. I shall send further orders in the air.†The orderly saluted and, with one more swift uneasy glance at the empty bed, went out and shut the door. Lord Asriel tapped the desk with a pair of brass dividers, and crossed to open the southern window. Far below, the deathless fires put out their glow and smoke on the darkling air, and even at this great height the clang of hammers could be heard in the snapping wind. â€Å"Well, we’ve learned a lot, Stelmaria,†he said quietly. â€Å"But not enough,†she replied. There came another knock at the door, and the alethiometrist came in. He was a pale, thin man in early middle age; his name was Teukros Basilides, and his daemon was a nightingale. â€Å"Mr. Basilides, good evening to you,†said Lord Asriel. â€Å"This is our problem, and I would like you to put everything else aside while you deal with it†¦Ã¢â‚¬ He told the man what Baruch had said, and showed him the atlas. â€Å"Pinpoint that cave,†he said. â€Å"Get me the coordinates as precisely as you can. This is the most important task you have ever undertaken. Begin at once, if you please,†stamped her foot so hard it even hurt her in the dream. â€Å"You don’t believe I’d do that, Roger, so don’t say it. I will wake up and I won’t forget, so there.†She looked around, but all she could see were wide eyes and hopeless faces, pale faces, dark faces, old faces, young faces, all the dead cramming and crowding, close and silent and sorrowful. Roger’s face was different. His expression was the only one that contained hope. She said, â€Å"Why d’you look like that? Why en’t you miserable, like them? Why en’t you at the end of your hope?†And he said, â€Å"Because you’re Lyra†Then she realized what that meant. She felt dizzy, even in her dreams; she felt a great burden settle on her shoulders. And to make it even heavier, sleep was closing in again, and Roger’s face was receding into shadow. â€Å"Well, I†¦I know†¦There’s all kinds of people on our side, like Dr. Malone†¦You know there’s another Oxford, Roger, just like ours? Well, she†¦I found her in†¦She’d help†¦But there’s only one person really who†¦Ã¢â‚¬ It was almost impossible now to see the little boy, and her thoughts were spreading out and wandering away like sheep in a field. â€Å"But we can trust him, Roger, I swear,†she said with a final effort, â€Å"because he’s Will†How to cite The Amber Spyglass Chapter 5 The Adamant Tower, Essay examples
Monday, April 27, 2020
SUMMARY THEME Essays - Deliverance, English-language Films
SUMMARY THEME Squeal like a pig boy!!! This is a line from the movie, its never said in the book, but is probably the only line I will ever remember from Deliverance. Most people have seen or heard about the Beverly Hillbillies and picture hillbillies as good ol' Jed and Granny Clampet. But in the case of these four middle-aged businessmen a hillbilly is something completely different. In James Dickey's novel Deliverance, four "city-slickers" decided to take on the largest river in the state of Georgia before a power company dams it up and turns it into a lake. The novel starts off with these men talking about taking an unsure canoe trip and then eventually being talked into by Lewis, the outdoors expert/survivalist and thrill seeker also somewhat the leader of the pack. He convinces Ed, a man who kind of idolizes Lewis due to Lewis' ability, Bobby, a chubby man who is pretty new to all of this wilderness stuff, and then there is Drew. Drew is like all the others, has a nice suit and tie job and i s pretty happy with his life, also he can play a pretty mean guitar. Along the journey these four canoe over rough rapids and find themselves faced with possible murder charges of a local hillbilly. The reason they killed him probably shouldn't be mentioned due to its sick freakish nature, but since you have already read the book and seen the movie you know what happened. After they buried the body in the woods they continued down the river and found themselves in a gorge with towering rocky sides. As they canoed through the gorge the other perverted hillbilly, the one that escaped, came back with his rifle and at the top of the gorge he was able to shoot and kill Drew. This caused great hysteria and rendered both canoes to capsize which sent everyone and everything racing done the raging river. As everyone tried to regain their control as they went helplessly down the river, Lewis severely shattered his leg and went into somewhat of a shock, then they eventually were able to stop o n a somewhat flat rocky surface for coverage. These three men were unable to move from this spot because the hillbilly was up top. So they eventually came to the conclusion that someone had to go to the top and kill him. As Ed climbed the rocky towering sides he felt scared and weak, but this event really changed his life as he was able to reach the top and kill the hillbilly. After another set of rapids like none neither Bobby nor Ed had seen before were mastered they finally arrived at their final destination. After alerting the sheriff of their made up story they eventually returned home to their normal lives only to be changed by these unreal events. But though the events in this novel are startling they helped these men, they now know that being in the wilderness can change your life and help you explore not only the wilderness but yourself too. Near the beginning of the second chapter of the novel Lewis talks about how nature has helped him become one with himself. Lewis mentions that when the system fails and everyone is going frantic he is going to move his family out to the high hills in northern Georgia. He talks about how he believes in survival(47) and that every time he goes back to the wilderness he believes in it more. Lewis is a nature freak that loves to express himself through hunting, fishing, or just taking a canoe trip like he did with his friends. Just being out in the wilderness makes Lewis feel alive. After Lewis found drivers for the cars he raced to the river, speeding faster and faster as the dirt roads led on, much like a young boy waiting to open the first Christmas present. The way Lewis spoke of the river when he first saw it showed a lot too. "There she is," Lewis said with wide glowing eyes gazing straight head, "Pretty, pretty indeed"(63). He felt very comfortable and part of nature. This was his way of showing that he belongs
Thursday, March 19, 2020
Ohio Vital Records - Birth, Marriage and Death Certificates
Ohio Vital Records - Birth, Marriage and Death Certificates Learn how and where to obtain birth, marriage, and death certificates and records in Ohio, including the dates for which Ohio vital records are available, where they are located, and links to online Ohio vital records databases. Ohio Vital Records: Ohio Department of HealthCenter for Vital and Health Statistics246 North High StreetColumbus, OH 43215Phone: 614-466-2531Email: Walk-in Address:Ohio Department of HealthOffice of Vital Statistics225 Neilston StreetColumbus, Ohio 43215 What You Need to Know:Check or money order should be made payable to Treasurer, State of Ohio. Personal checks are accepted. Call or visit the Web site to verify current fees. Requests for vital records may take as long as 10-12 weeks. If you do not know the date or place of event, you may request a search of the State Vital Statistics office files and records. The fee for a search is $3.00 per name for each ten years searched. Payment must be made in advance. After searching is completed you will be informed if the record was located. Vital records in Ohio were not recorded by law until 1867. Although some records from a few counties predate 1867, records of births, marriages and deaths in Ohio are generally not available before this date. Web site: Ohio Vital Records Ohio Birth Records: Dates: From 20 December 1908* Cost of copy: $21.50 (certified copy from state) Comments: The Ohio Department of Health issues only certified copies of birth certificates. Include with your request as much as you can of the following: full name of individual, date of birth, city or county of birth, full name of father, full maiden name of mother, your relationship to the individual, your name and address and a daytime telephone number.Application for Certified Birth Record Uncertified copies for genealogy purposes are not available from the State or Local Registrars in Ohio. Since vital records are open in Ohio you may, however, perform searches in the indexes at the Ohio Department of Health, Office of Vital Statistics, or arrange for a genealogist to search the indexes for you. An appointment is required to search the records. Records identified in the indexes may be viewed and information may be copied from them, however the supplied copy of the vital record must be returned and is not permitted to leave the building. * For birth records from 1867 - December 29, 1908, contact the Probate Court of the county where the birth occurred. Online:Ohio Births and Christenings, 1821-1962 (index only, incomplete)Ohio, County Births, 1841-2003 (index and images, incomplete) Ohio Death Records: Dates: From 1 January 1954 Cost of copy: $21.50 (certified copy from state) Comments: The Ohio Department of Health issues only certified copies of death certificates. Include with your request as much as you can of the following: full name of decedent, date of death, city or county of death, your relationship to the individual, your name and address and a daytime telephone number. Application for Certified Death Record Uncertified copies for genealogy purposes are not available from the State or Local Registrars in Ohio. As with birth records you may, however, perform searches in the indexes at the Ohio Department of Health, Office of Vital Statistics, and view and copy information from the death records themselves. * For Death Records from December 20, 1908-December 1953 contact the Ohio Historical Society, Archives Library Division, 1982 Velma Ave., Columbus, OH 43211-2497. For death records from 1867- December 20, 1908, contact the Probate Court of the county where the death occurred. Online:Ohio Death Certificate Index, 1913-1944 - Ohio Historical Society (index only)Ohio, Deaths and Burials, 1854-1997 (index only, incomplete)Ohio Deaths, 1909-1953 (name index and images)Ohio, Death Index, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2007 (index only) Ohio Marriage Records: Dates: Varies Cost of Copy: Varies Comments: Copies of marriage records are not available from the State Health Department. Inquiries will be referred to appropriate office. For certified copies of marriage records, please write to the Probate Court in the county where the event occurred. Online:Ohio, County Marriages 1789–2013 (not all counties available; coverage varies by county)Ohio Marriage Records Index 1803–1900 (requires subscription) Ohio Divorce Records: Dates: Varies Cost of copy: Varies Comments: Certified copies are not available from the State Health Department. For certified copies of divorces, please write to county Clerk of Courts where the divorce was granted. Online:Ohio Divorce Index 1962–1963, 1967–1971, 1973–2007 (requires subscription) More US Vital Records - Choose a State
Monday, March 2, 2020
Cover Letter Sample for Customer Experience Job
Cover Letter Sample for Customer Experience Job SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips If you're hoping to join a customer experience team, then you've got to have good people skills! In this sample cover letter, the applicant emphasizes her warm, patient, positive qualities, as well as her love for the company's products. Read on to see how Poppy presentsherself as a strongapplicant, and then continue on to the breakdown of what this letter does well. Cover Letter Sample for Customer Experience Representative Poppy Harrington14 Standish St.Cambridge, MA * 555-555-5555 May 1, 2016 Zachary ParkerDirector of Customer RelationsLark Lenses102 Charles St.Boston, MA 024 Dear Zachary Parker, I’m excited to apply to the position of Customer Experience Representative with Lark Lenses, a position I learned about from Product Designer, Allie Saltman. As an experienced support representative and long-time patron of Lark Lenses (I’m wearing â€Å"Anderson†glasses as I type this), I’d be thrilled to join the Lark Lenses team. Please allow me to share my experiences as they relate to the responsibilities of Customer Experience Representative. For the past two years, I worked on the support team of marketing software start-up, DubStop. I taughtcustomers the ins and outs of the software and helped troubleshoot problems through phone, email, and live chat. Typical problemsincluded account set-up, payment processing issues, and software bugs. From this role in customer support, I developed stellar communication and organizational skills and the ability to think on my feet. While I love interacting with customers, I’m less passionate about marketing software and aimto work in the fashion industry. As I mentioned above, I’m a hugefan of Lark Lenses’ products and am inspired by the company’s devotion to high quality eyewear, low costs, and innovative customer service. My loyalty was cemented the first time I tried its home try-on service; I ended up ordering both my Andersons and the Winstonian sunglasses. As a devoted Lark Lenses' customer, I have the familiarity with your products to jump right in and hope, over time, to grow within your company. I’m confident that I have the personal qualities of warmth, patience, adaptability, sincerity, and energy to excel in the role of Customer Experience Representative. Lark Lenses inspires me withits innovative work at the crossroads of fashion and technology.I would love to learn more about the role and can be reachedby phone or email. Thank you very much, and I look forward to hearing from you soon. Sincerely, Poppy Harrington PoppyHarrington From her cover letter, it sounds like Poppy could turn her customers' frowns upside down. Customer Experience Cover Letter: The Breakdown Poppy's excited by the prospect of joining the Lark Lenses' team, and she makes sure the hiring manager knows it. She starts out by showing familiarity with the company; not only does she know someone who works in product design, but she was also wearing her Lark Lenses glasses as she wrote the letter. Poppy states thatshe has experience working in support and interacting with customers over the phone and through email and live chat. She also explains the reason she wants to switch, stating that she would prefer to work infashionover software. Poppy further expressesher excitementby saying she hopes to grow within the company. Poppy uses a few specific examples in her letter, describing some of her responsibilities at DubStop and her experiences with Lark Lenses and its home try-on program. Overall, her cover letter helps personalize her application and express her enthusiasm for the company and its available role in customer experience. Poppy's coverletter also features a traditional format, with her name and contact information at the top, followed by the date and the hiring manager's details. Should your cover letter look the same? A Note on Format If you're sending your cover letter by hard copy (rare) or as a Word attachment, then you'll likely use a similar format to the one you see in the sample above. However, if you're pasting your email directly into the body of an email or a text box on an application portal, then you don't really have to worry about these traditional headers. In the latter two cases, you can just start right in by addressing the hiring manager. In these plain text, electronic formats, a real-life signature's not part of the equation either.Think about how you're sending your letterand any other application instructions as you put on the final touches! As with your cover letter'scontent, make sure to be intentional about its overall look. What's Next? Looking for more samples? Check out our full cover letter guide with six sample letters, plus you'll find some great tips for writing your letter. Are you figuring out how to start your own letter? Our cover letter guide will help you push past writer's block with a clear step-by-step template.
Saturday, February 15, 2020
The next generation air transportation system Research Paper
The next generation air transportation system - Research Paper Example The Next Generation 2010plan was developed with a plan to focus on theimprovement of the operations. In 2003 a Joint Planning and Development Office (JPDO) was developed to plan and coordinate the development of the system. Next Generation Air Transport System is majorly designed to relieve airspace congestion problems at high density airports (Rodrigues and Cusik). These airports are said to have a lot of flights taking place within 24 hours and human traffic is also high per year. Therefore FAA has rated them top in the list to receive this upgrading; an example is the New York Airport and Dallas Fort Worth International Airport. This system has been in demonstration in Delta Airlines and FedEx. Refining and improving satellite navigation through augmentation systems will assist pilots in all flight phases that are: taxing, to take-off, en-route flying and landing in all weather conditions, reaching the level of safety thatwill be required to cope with the continuous increase in the number of flights. It is an important development because flights could be for commercial purposes or leisure purposes within the same airspace thus the need to separate them. The old system provides navigation to pilots through the aid of equipment like Non Directional Beacon (NDB) which is a radio transmitter put on the ground at a known location from which the aircraft can track to or from, whereas VHF Omnidirectional Range (VOR) which is used to provide a more accurate directional information. Distance Measuring Equipment (DME) providesdistance information to and from the facility. Lastly, there is Instrument Landing System (ILS) that provides lateral and vertical guidance to aircraft approaching landing. All these facilities had to be located in positions where they were accessible for maintenance and optimum navigation purposes. Currently in the old systemdomestic airspace is monitored by the radar and there are
Sunday, February 2, 2020
Final Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4250 words
Final - Research Paper Example This report is aimed at conducting a study and presenting a paper to the board of directors of a large nonprofit based health relief company regarding the issues about solving the health needs of a poorly developed African Country, Ghana. This report is prepared by keeping in mind the available organizational resources and capabilities , the funding required for the project initiatives , the need for obtaining subsidized medicines from, the major international pharmaceutical organizations functioning across the globe, the need for collecting non generic medication sources, non USDA approved medications and alternate stem cell based medication from different foreign sources. The research is conducted with the ultimate objective of proposing the most suitable and practically feasible expenditure plan including the budgetary propositions, financial controls, funds accounting perspectives, management of public expenditure, analysis of the relevant budgets and financial statements related to the healthcare industry in the country, the financial reporting requirements as per the regulatory requirements of the state government and the management and control of public expenditures. Additionally, these financial management components are critically delved into and evaluated for the purpose of providing sufficient information to the decision making authorities to take key administrative decisions and also apply the financial structures like expenditure plans and budgets as significant financial disciplinary processes and tools. The healthcare segment has become a booming as well as a crucial sector in terms of importance and effectiveness. The recent focus of the healthcare industry has remained constant on the provision of healthcare and medical aids to the lesser developed or under developed nations in the world like Africa. Many of the regions in
Saturday, January 25, 2020
The Relationship Between Social Class and Educational Achievement Essay
The Relationship Between Social Class and Educational Achievement Many sociologists have tried to explore the link between social class and educational achievement, measuring the effects of one element upon the other. In order to maintain a definite correlation between the two, there are a number of views, explanations, social statistics and perspectives which must be taken into account. The initial idea would be to define the key terms which are associated with how "social class" affects "educational achievement." "Social class" is the identity of people, according to the work they do and the community in which they live in."Educational achievement" is the tendency for some groups to do better or worse in terms of educational success. Research reveals that the higher the social class, the higher the levels of educational achievement are likely to be. The children of parents in higher social classes are more likely to stay on in post compulsory education, more likely to achieve examination passes when at school, and more likely to gain university entrance. These features painted a true picture of British education in the twentieth century and can be argued to follow this trend today. However, whether there has been any reduction in the inequalities is more debatable, but some research suggests that these inequalities are as great as ever, despite the overall improvements within the education system. Many researchers argue that IQ tests are biased in favour of the middle class, since members of this group largely construct them. If it is accepted that social classes and other groups have distinctive subcultures and that this affe... ... to reject school and school values (such as academic success). This has its roots outside of school in the nature of the fathers and elder brothers' in manual work. They look up to these figures and see school as "sissy", un-masculine, unlike the "real" masculine work that their fathers, brothers etc do. Overall, in conclusion there can be no definite correlation identified between "social class" and "educational achievement" in that there is much research into this and many sociologists suggest their own theories, and have yet not decided whether there is a link or not. However, there does seem to be correlation of some kind as sociologists either favour it or not. It can be still said that the main relationship between these factors is the higher the social class; the more likely the pupil is going to succeed.
Friday, January 17, 2020
A Day to Remember – I Can Still Remember It Like It Was Yesterday
I can still remember it like it was yesterday. It all started at about 2 p. m. It was the time I went back from school on foot. I was so tried and all I wanted was to just relax and eat. When I arrived at the front gate, I was shocked. The gate and the door were opened. It was because at that time there was nobody in my house as all my family members were not at home I was frightened and did not know what I should do. Should I go inside or call the police? I was hesitant because my family went out for work and they would normally tell me if they took afternoon off. However, I decided to see what was happening. I picked up a hard stick so that if something happened, I could protect myself. Then, I walked slowly to my house. I took a deep breath yet, the feeling of dread weighted heavily on me. I clenched the wooden stick on my hands, mind alert and be ready. I walked slowly into my house with my wooden stick in hands. Suddenly, I had nagging feeling that I was being followed. My senses were very alert and I could hear footsteps behind me but when I turned to glance behind I could see no one. I did not take too much notice on it actually. I thought that it might be my illusion because I was too nervous in such an unexpected situation. I grasped my wooden stick again, be prepared. I pushed the slightly-opened door, looked around if there were something going wrong. My heart started to beat quickly. Darkness always terrified me as the curtains blocked out the sun. I looked for the switch and turned on the light. I glanced around again to do a second check. There was nothing wrong! Everything was arranged properly and it just seemed like nothing happened. â€Å"What's happening and why is the door open but there seems to be no one inside? †i said to myself and all this while my head was filled with images of unrealistic thing from novels and movies. I crept around on tiptoes in order to find out what on earth was going on. As I was getting nearer to the staircase, I heard someone talking vociferously. A wave of horror swept over me. Since everyone should not be at home, who was emitting the sound? Once again, I had vivid recollection of Count Dracula, Frankenstein's monster, mummies, phantoms and zombies but I compelled myself to kicked kick these horrifying images out my mind. When I eventually convinced myself to regain composure, I walked gently quietly up the stairs and snatched a quick peek peep into the dim master room through the crevice of the wall. I could merely see two vague outlines of human figure who stood as still as stone in the room, silhouetted against the light. To my astonishment, they were Mum and Dad. They should not be here right now. I knew them very well. Workaholics like them would only want to come home after they had settled all their jobs. I was absolutely perplexed by their peculiar behaviour that day. As I was dominated by the profound inquisitiveness, I reached the door knob and intended to open the heavy wooden door. Nevertheless, the door banged opened before I succeeded in quenching my thirst for the content of their earlier conversation. I was standing right in front of them but they seemed to be ignorant to of my existence. I wondered if the scenario in sci-fi movie befell me and my parents would not recognise who I was. I had been proven wrong when I heard their quarrel them quarreling. They were just too engrossed in their quarrel and did not notice me. Then, I hid myself at the corner of the stairs and listened to them. â€Å"Can't you find a job? Do you think I can keep on supporting all this home with this small meagre income? †Mum shouted. â€Å"What do you expect me to do since when I don't even received receive any reply after sending numerous copies of job application letters? Dad said desperately. From the quarrel, I found that Dad was dismissed last week due to economic downturn and he pretended to go to work every day just to ensure that we were not worried about him. Although Mum earned a lucrative salary every month, this amount of money would be insufficient because of various types of bills and fees which became the main cause of their quarrel. Brainstorming, rushing in my mind was the thought of whether I should give up the tuitions and my favourite piano lesson to cut down the family expenditures? I knew I had the responsibilities to do it. I came out and approached them slowly. â€Å"Dad†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ mum†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ â€Å"I said that with the tone of depressed with a cautious. â€Å"Oh, why were you standing over here there? What is going on, Jason? †Dad asked. â€Å"I†¦ I'm sorry I have overhead your argument, I have decided to give up all the tuition. I don't want to attend the piano lesson anymore. I am unwilling I could not bear to see all these and it is also my responsibility to help to reduce the family burden. â€Å"I said. â€Å"Why do you think like that? It is just a small matter. We have abilities to let you go to for tuition. Don't worry about it, Jason. †Dad said smilingly. I knew that my dad was only consoleding me, as he did not want to make me unhappy. I just kept quiet and did not say anything. â€Å"Go to bathe now†Dad said again. I followed his order. After I had taken the bath, I went back to my room immediately and sat down on the chair. At the same time, I thought that how could I do. â€Å"Should I give up the tuition or go out to find part-time job? †I was very confused and bothered on to make an appropriate decision but I had to do so. Well, I decided to give up the tuition because I was trusted my own ability that I could still cope with my study if I put more effort and concentration in my study. I did not want my parents to quarrel on this small issue as I still had a chance to prevent it if I could make a concession. It was the first time I saw my parent wrangled in front of me. I was shocked and still not able to believe that incident had happened as my parents were very kind and respect each other. Unbelievable about the incident happen yesterday, as my parent is very kind and harmonious. It was certainly a day to remember
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Solomon Essay - 938 Words
The biblical account of Solomon’s reign contains criticisms; these criticisms illustrate the date of the narrative. Solomon was looked upon as a ruler of peace and welfare. He inherited his throne at a young age from King David. The land he inherited in 970 BC, Israel, ran all along the Mediterranean in the west, up to the Euphrates River in the north, and down all the way to the desert in the south and east.(George Konig, 68) Solomon did not expand his territory any further; rather he built alliances with surrounding countries and developed trade. The traditional powers of the ancient world, the Egyptians and the Hittites, and the empires yet to appear, Assyria and Babylon, were not aggressive during either David’s or Solomon’s†¦show more content†¦(1988). Solomon’s strategies for maintaining peace were constantly to strengthen Israel’s military capacity. Solomon wanted to deal with world problems through diplomacy, but he wanted to negotiate from a position of strength rather than weakness. He fortified key cities on the perimeter of Israel’s territory and set up outer command posts to give early warning of possible enemy military buildups. This military readiness placed a heavy strain on the kingdom’s financial resources. Solomon’s diplomacy was not like his fathers; David had won the respect of the great powers surrounding Israel. Solomon now moved to make alliances with them. His many marriages to foreign women were part of this diplomatic strategy; in that day such marriages were a normal way to seal an international alliance. Solomon’s broad-mindedness his greatest weakness his seven hundred wives and three hundred concubines were the served the purpose of close political and cultural ties with surrounded peoples. (Anderson, p. 241)nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; Solomon was as aggressive economically as his father had been militarily. He invested in land and sea trade. He developed Israel’s natural resources, setting up smelteries which, excavation has shown, brilliantly used prevailing winds to intensify the heat of the furnaces in which metals were refined. Solomon maintained a large court as well as a large army and he built many public buildings. He also built the temple of the Lord, which his father hadShow MoreRelated King Solomon Essays1675 Words  | 7 PagesKing Solomon King Solomon ruled all of Israel in an outstanding way from 977 to 937 BCE (12). Despite his wealth and power, Solomon is known to history for his wisdom and as the builder of the Temple of Jerusalem. He has been credited with authoring all or parts of three books of the Bible (Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Solomon). King Solomon was the ruler of ancient Israel who reigned from 961-922 BC (8). He is the son of David and Bathsheba. 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