Friday, May 22, 2020
The Legalization of Drugs Just Say No Essay - 507 Words
The idea of legalizing drugs is as bad as the drugs itself. Some drugs are though to have positive medical use, but thats a though to be untrue considering the contradicting facts. How could drugs that are so addicitve be in any way helpful, specially in a medical manner. Every part of the world that has tried it only brought corruption to their country and made addiction rates even worse. Although rumors that some drugs can help treat certain diceases have been stated they are not true, the fact is that false beliefs dont accumulate to the real facts. The repeutic treatment of heroin is said to alleviate cancer pain, this drug can also create other problems increasing the risk of diversion. In other words, it would†¦show more content†¦THC is the chemical composition which gives marijuana that high, the content marijuana has increased from the Woodstock days to 29.8% more nowadays. Todays marijuana may be between 30 to 60 times more powerful that is was in the 60s. Drugs like these can only bring negativity and corruption to the society making drugs more accessible. Other countries that have tried to fix the situation were facing, have concluded with terrible results. Take Great Britain for example. In 1964, England instituted a policy allowing doctors prescribe heroin following certain treatment criteria. This concluded by doctors selling great amounts of heroin to memebers of the black market. Spain has legalized cocaine and heroin since 1983, recently officials have begun crack-down on drug pushers concluding with a dramatic increase of addiction rate. Italy, which also legalized cocaine and heroin have the highest rates of both drugs and oversodes of all European countries. Illegal drugs have only gotten worse, theres no reason people should legalize it to make a country even worse. We have seen the results of other countries trying to fix the contraband problem by legalizing, it isnt helpful to cure or alleviate pain from diseases without any side effects, it canShow MoreRelatedIt Is Time to Legalize Marijana1700 Words  | 7 Pagesup, everyone is told that, â€Å"Drugs are bad for you,†time and time again. Now as a kid you don’t really understand the reasoning behind it, but you listen to your authority figure regardless. I remember being told this my entire life and even to this very day. But as I got older I realized that people would still use drugs even though it’’s illegal. I could never understand why someone would go against the law and jeopardize their life just to use drugs? The drug that I am talking about is marijuanaRead MoreWhy Not Legalize Marijuana? 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